Ep 91 | How to Motivate Others to Tidy Up
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Co-hosts Kristyn and Karin take a deep dive into how to motivate others to tidy and the importance of considering the role of others you share your space with during your KonMari tidying journey.
"Don’t force people to tidy if they don’t want to. Only when we accept unconditionally people whose values differ from our own can we really say that we have finished tidying." - Marie Kondo
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
Joy Checks
- Kristyn introduces Spark Joy listeners to For the Love of Tidy Power Partners
Karin's collaborations in the area of fashion and interior design
- The importance of tidying things you take ownership of
- How to avoid "tidy shaming"
- How to lead with respect, empathy and patience when encouraging others to tidy
- Top tips to help you motivate others to tidy:
- Prime everyone who is impacted by the goal of getting tidy
- Shine by living a KonMari life of joy
- Start with asking about their vision for the space
- Share an episode of Spark Joy podcast or Netflix's Tidying Up
- Offer assistance when they show interest organically
- Focus on your own space to quiet anxiety
- How to navigate the delicate circumstance of suggesting tidying up to a loved one you don't live with to get organized
- "Tidying is a self-care activity."
- "KonMari is intentionally designed to help you reestablish the boundaries of your items in your home."
- "When you've reached that point where you feel everything in your life is sparking joy, then it's time to switch your attention to other people."
- "It's not your decision to make."
- "You should only be making decisions on the things you own."
- "Don't create the narrative for the person without giving the activity a fair chance."
- "Shine by living the lifestyle."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy