Ep 71 | Feng Shui with Master Feng Shui Expert Laura Cerrano
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Feng Shui Master, Laura Cerrano shares her expertise in bringing your KonMari tidying in alignment with the principles of Feng Shui.
Today’s guest is Feng Shui Master Laura Cerrano. Laura shares her expertise in bringing your KonMari tidying in alignment with the principles of Feng Shui. Laura received her Feng Shui certification through the Proven Feng Shui School in NY under the guidance of her mother and mentor certified Feng Shui Master, Carole Provenzale.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-Learning about the importance of the decluttering step of Feng Shui to set up a vision and game plan for the practice
-Hear about the history of Feng Shui
-Learning the difference between “space clearing” and decluttering
-The fundamental principles of Feng Shui and the Five Elements
-How Laura started her company with her mother
-How to incorporate Feng Shui into your own home
-Myths and missteps in Feng Shui. You can hear about Myths and Missteps in KonMari here
-Are you holding on to the very things you need to release in order to realize your vision?
-How a small adjustment near your front door can help you "ring in the money"
-How to Feng Shui your bedroom and what not to keep in your bedroom
What Sparks Joy for Laura: "Traveling and spending time with family."
To connect with Laura Cerrrano you can find her at:
She's on Facebook at: Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island and on Instagram at: Feng Shui by Laura Cerrano
“To get started in Feng Shui, you need to have a clean canvas to work with.”
"What do you not need, use, or love?"
“What is the function of each room in my house?”
“Your bed should have a commanding position.”
"The headboard is an anchor of support when you're heading off to dream land"
"Energy flows around over through..it goes through everything."
"Depending on the objects that you have under the bed, they convey certain messages to the unconscious mind."
"Does the composition of the overall room present a balance and a sense of harmony?"
"Live in the present moment. Enjoy life to its fullest."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Laura Cerrano.