Ep 64 | KonMari Around the World with Gemma Quinn
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Australia’s first certified KonMari Consultant and Evaluator shares stories tied to her experience of KonMari around the world.
Our guest, Gemma Quinn, is Australia’s first certified KonMari Consultant, but she also practices worldwide!
She's also a KonMari Consultant Evaluator and works with future consultants during the certification process. Her KonMari approach is informed by over 15 years of experience in business operations and human resources management within the design and creative industries.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-How Gemma's grandfather sparked a love of thoughtful organization.
-Gemma's introduction to the KonMari Method and how it changed her life.
-Find a book that spoke to Gemma from the Tim Ferris Book Club review here: The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
-How Gemma helps her clients determine what sparks joy even if it involves a mundane household object
-What a KonMari evaluator does and how she works with KonMari Consultants to ensure that the quality of the Konmari practice is consistent
-Gemma’s international practice as a traveling consultant
-How Gemma conveys the guiding light of the KonMari practice to clients regardless of where they live. (Spoiler alert: she doesn’t believe it really changes from place to place
-Gemma shares home and lifestyle differences around the world including the confusion around baking ingredients and how many blankets should be on the bed
-Read a blog about duvets in Germany! Two Duvets are Better than One! Sleeping the German Way
Gemma's favorite tidying tip:
"Grow your sensitivity to knowing what sparks joy for you. It will change your life. And... use boxes! Try to get to the point that every item in your house has a box."
What Sparks Joy for Gemma:
"People! The engagement of people in my life and work. They bring me so much joy."
Gemma's parting words of wisdom:
"Start by writing out your list of categories and subcategories and just get started with the KonMari Method. We are here to support you!"
You can find Gemma at: Gemma Quinn or on instagram and Facebook at: @gemmaquinn.konmariconsultant
“The act of joy checking and thinking about my ideal life allowed me to connect and engage with my belongings far more than I ever had.”
"The risk was minimal because being able to help someone lead a life of joy was a risk worth taking."
“We are there to help them manage that risk and to be a supporting hand guiding them to help them through this so that they know they are not alone.”
"Knowing what will bring you joy does change from culture to culture."
"Engaging with other peoples and other cultures personally brings me a huge amount of joy."
"Some cultures have more difficulty expressing their feelings. So I try to help clients find ways to be truthful, but still will bring them joy."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Gemma Quinn.