Ep 30 | Simply B Organized with Laurie Palau
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Laurie Palau presents an insightful approach to organizing with an emphasis on the emotional aspects of clutter along with her practical tips for managing the things in your home.
Is your home a hot mess?
If the answer is yes you’re going to enjoy today’s guest organizer Laurie Palau of Simply B Organized in Pennsylvania.
Laurie is a speaker, author, and host of the podcast, This Organized Life, where listeners get a glimpse into her not-so-perfect world as a wife, mom and professional organizer. Her book, HOT MESS: A Practical Guide to Getting Organized is a must-read for anyone looking to streamline clutter from their life.
With over nine years of organizing under her belt, Laurie is another industry veteran here to share her unique perspective on getting organized along with road tested practical tips.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-How Laurie found her true calling as a home organizer when she identified that organizational principles were part of the solution to feeling anxious and overwhelmed in the home.
-Laurie discusses the 3 types of clutter that she finds with her clients:
Physical, emotional, and calendar clutter
-Learn about ArtKive, Laurie’s recommended app that will help you organize your kid’s artwork online:
-Your dominant clutter source and how it impacts your home organization.
-Organizing diagnostics: reviewing your current clutter situation.
-Learn about the ESP Method: Empty, Sort and Purge.
-The Four Purge Piles: Donate, Reuse, Recycle, Discard.
-How Laurie defines the cost of clutter.
“Clutter doesn’t just have to be the physical stuff. It can be the burn out. How you end up snapping at your kids or spouse because you are just spread too thin.”
“How much time and money do we waste buying things we already have that we can’t find?”
"Most people if given the choice would rather live in an organized space."
"I’ve relocated kitchen items outside of the kitchen.”
“The average US citizen wastes an hour a day looking for lost or misplaced items."
Favorite Tidying Tip:
Open the mail every day and make a decision.
Mail should fall into three categories:
Action, Reference, Recycle
What sparks joy for Laurie:
Laurie covets her quiet time in the morning!
Parting words of wisdom:
Start small. Just wanting to make a change is a huge hurdle that you’ve already accomplished.
To connect with Laurie you can find her at www.simplyborganized.com
Listen to her podcast:
This Organized Life Podcast
Simply B Organized on FaceBook
Simply B Organized on Instagram
Simply B Organized on Twitter
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Laurie Palau.