Ep 142 | Member Spotlight: Jen's Tidying Journey
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Spark Joy Club member Jen Kobrick joins us from Florida to share her KonMari journey.
This year, we’re trying something new. We’re bringing on listeners from our Spark Joy Club for a special Member Spotlight!
We’re dedicating a few episodes to shine the light on all of the tidying progress our Spark Joy Club members have made while listening to Spark Joy Podcast and leaning on the community.
Jen Kobrick is a homeschooling mom to two delightful little people and the wife of a space geek in central Florida. She loves adventure, travel, scuba diving, spending time in nature, ballet, and knitting. Her other passion is supporting parents in finding more joy and connection in family relationships as a Holistic Family Consultant with The Consciously Parenting Project.
Jen has been a Spark Joy Club Member for the past 6 months and is now officially done with her items and her entire family has nearly completed their KonMari tidying journey, once and for all.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at www.sparkjoypodcast.com and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
What made Jen decide that she and her family was ready for her Konmari journey
How Jen approached her Tidying Festival with two small kids and a busy family
The layout of her home and the challenges she faced in managing the categories
Learning about some of the things that worked didn’t work as she got organized
Some misconceptions that stood in her way and how she overcame the pursuit of perfection to work toward her vision for her home.
Jen’s inspiring and joyful hints for making your KonMari journey work for you and your home
Jen’s favorite KonMari tips:
Consider hiring a “Mother’s helper”: a sitter or care giver who can entertain the kids while you are tidying.
Do super small subcategories when you have small children and cannot devote a large period of time.
What sparks joy for Jen:
“My kids!”
“The joyful new design changes that we have made in our bedroom space inspired by our KonMari journey.”
“Leave the kid’s stuff aside. It is much easier if you do your things first.”
“Support can come in many forms.”
“Let the things that bring you joy become the lens of your life.”
“It’s not about the stuff”
“I was looking for a clean counter, but instead I got in touch with my authentic self.”
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Special Guest: Jen Kobrick.