Ep 135 | Checking In with The Spark Joy Club
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

Celebrate tidying progress with The Spark Joy Club members who are actively tidying during quarantine and beyond.
We’re lifting the curtain to encourage you to connect with others who’ve made the same commitment to a clutter free life of joy as you move from KonMari practice to KonMari lifestyle.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at www.sparkjoypodcast.com and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Join The Spark Joy Club today!
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
Learn what The Spark Joy Club is all aboutand how it started. (Episode 70 where we introduced the The Spark Joy Club)
How The Spark Joy Club evolved to over 175 members as of May 2020
The benefits of the two tiers of membership in the Spark Joy Club:
Joy Riser Tier Benefits:
- A personal thank you for your support that will be mentioned during a Spark Joy podcast and in the show notes during the month you join.
- Access to the Custom Spark Joy Episode Map and Listening Guide which is updated following every episode.
- The Joy Riser Tier is $3 per month.
Joy Sparker Tier Benefits:
- All the benefits of the Joy Riser Tier.
- Full membership in The Spark Joy Club on FaceBook.
- A copy of The Tidy Home Joy Journal created by our very own Kristyn Ivey of For the Love of Tidy.
- The Joy Sparker Tier is $5 per month.
What our Spark Joy Club members been doing during the pandemic? They've been very productive and joyful!
Episode 121 featuring our Spark Joy Club member, Monica. Member Spotlight: Monica’s Tidying Journey
Learn about the great KonMari victories of our Spark Joy Club members Jennyfer, Evlyn and Betsy.
A very warm welcome to our new Spark Joy Club members:
- At the Joy Sparker Tier:
- Emily Dyson
- Nancy Fleischauer
- Jenny Nix
- Dani Cihak
- Megan Wood
- Sooz Sovern
Join The Spark Joy Club today!
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy