Ep 108 | Let’s Talk About Hope + A Year-End Tidying Progress Check
Spark Joy - En podcast av Kristyn Ivey and Karin Socci

We know the process of getting organized can be discouraging at times and sometimes you may feel like giving up. If this sounds like you, or if you just want to get some additional encouragement and support as you tidy up, this episode is for you.
We want to give you hope and leave you with a practical year-end evaluation that will help you assess your progress and take clear action or course correct moving forward.
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In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
Hearing about KonMari organizers feeling overwhelmed at sometimes!
Positive and negative motivators are can work hand in hand. Feelings of guilt and frustration may motivate you to “do something” about your disorganization, but positive motivators are needed for the long term.
In KonMari, positive motivation initially comes from your vision statement. Your vision is your hope-filled inspiration for your best life going forward.
The success of your tidying as you go through the categories will keep you going. That is one of the reasons why clothing, the initial category, is first. Completing clothing gives us such a visual success; we feel empowered to continue on.
Journaling will help you capture your feelings and thoughts as you go through the process of organizing your home. The act of writing on paper is an exercise of respect for what you are experiencing on your tidying journey.
Hope is strengthened by the actual successes you will experience in your tidying and, also, it can be fortified by the positive results and successes of others. It can help a great deal to have support from others who are also on this path.
We suggest you let go of negative self-talk. Find the one place in your home or life where you actually are organized, disciplined, or reliable. Start to shift your language and attention on the positive. If you are like most of our clients, you have accomplished great things in other areas of your life. Focus on the things you do well and recognize that no one excels in everything!
Here are some of the challenging emotions you may encounter during your tidying work. Prepare for them and recognize that they are all part of making systematic and sustainable changes in your life:
-Memories of the past: grief, loss and disappointments keep you from wanting to look at things that will remind you of painful things.
-Discouragement about having to confront clothes that don’t fit and things you bought that didn't work or that were a waste of money.
-Anger that you never lost those 10lbs or that heel that broke on those shoes after wearing it once, or that single earring that reminds you that you were careless.
KonMari takes time, but it won’t take forever. We suggest you commit to a steady and consistent time frame, but that you practice good self care along the way
Year End Progress Check!
Grab a pen, paper or journal and your favorite calendar, it’s time to evaluate your progress! Feel free to pause the podcast at any time or between questions to make sure you leave ample room for reflection.
1- How long has clutter been a burden in my home or life?
2- When did I make my first attempt to tidy up KonMari style?
3- How many false starts or restarts did I make since beginning?
4- How many signature KonMari clutter categories/sub-categories have I addressed thus far?
5- Which categories/sub-categories have found a comfortable click point?
6- Which categories are causing me the most pain or making me feel stuck?
7- When was the last time I made time to joy check a category?
8- How many hours have I spent tidying up?
9- Is completing my tidying event priority this year?
10- How much time can I dedicate moving forward to tidying?
“That conviction and confidence that we will get where we are going and achieve our vision for our best life going forward, is really what hope is all about.”
“Change requires hope. Hope that things can be different and that there’s a way forward.”
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” Anais Nin
“To remedy this, we offer two contradictory solutions: do it as quickly as possible and take as much time as you need!”
“I always tell my clients that if you have 10 sweaters and let go of 5, the saving of space is pretty apparent, but if you have 10 pieces of paper and get rid of 5, it doesn't seem like that much even though it was the same number of decisions! “
“Take breaks, step away, forget about tidying for a few days, celebrate your progress, but remember that you are honoring your higher self and your vision till the very end.”
“Know that we’re here for you. There is a way out. There is hope you can live a clutter free life of joy this year and for years to come.”
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy