Ep. 10 | Eyes will SEE: Pillars of 3D Construct Crumbling PART 1 (4/13/20)

Oneness Podcast with Jessica Delmar - En podcast av Jessica Delmar

I don’t usually like to share “future” energy readings that come through as things often change just by becoming aware of things. BUT this information kept coming through (even interrupting in the middle of bringing through other information), and wanted to be shared, so I am simply sharing from my perspective, although leave the energy reading open to interpretation, and take it with an open heart and open mind.

This is not being shared from a fear-based perspective, but simply to open awareness of possible unfolding of energy. We are in a powerful time of shifting energy, and the way it manifests in our experiences are completely up to Mother Gaia and the greater creative/destructive energies being expressed on the planet during the unfolding. Allow for energy to move through you holding love, light, and knowing all is truly well, and you help transmute the energy not only for yourself but for Gaia and the collective.

This energy reading is connected to larger information that was coming through regarding 4 Pillars of Construct within a 3D construct and how it is shifting into a 5D construct. The 3D construct is a Construct of Rule. The 5D construct is a Construct of Open Thought. In this series, we speak (not fear-based) about what is going on with the shifting and crumbling of 3D structures, constructs, and beliefs as we simultaneously open knowledge of the shifts and birthing of the 5D construct of free thought, unity consciousness, and balance of dark and light. Knowledge is power, and if you open this information in your awareness, it helps you to understand what is going on in these shifting times so that you can strengthen your light within for yourself and others.


DOWNLOAD the PDF: 3D Construct of Rule: https://bit.ly/2RyPIIC




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