065: PART 1 Healing the Wounded Masculine and Feminine Creative Energies
Oneness Podcast with Jessica Delmar - En podcast av Jessica Delmar
There is an entire human “ecosystem” built around the consciousness of wounded masculine / wounded feminine. An entire reality and world has been built through that level of consciousness (3D). Because of this, there are “powers that be” within that world that seek to maintain that level of awareness so that more can be created within the wounded masculine / wounded feminine consciousness. Everything is connected. “Poison” in the food, water, pharmaceuticals, plastics, etc. shift and damage the DNA, cellular structures, endocrine, and hormones of a human physical form (leading to dis-ease). This also maintains the blocked channels of self-expression and self-reception. This adds to inner turmoil, illusion, chaos and confusion. As more inner turmoil rises, it affects the way people self-express and self-receive, leading to more turmoil, illusion, chaos and confusion not only internally, but externally, as well. Breaking free from this cycle “ecosystem reality” of wounded masculine / wounded feminine requires self-sovereignty. Trusting yourself - regardless of what is occurring in the external environment - is necessary for “reprinting” your DNA frequencies. The DNA can be “healed” despite tragic damages done to it in the wounded masculine / wounded feminine ecosystem. The healing of the DNA comes through healing of the self. The DNA does not heal, but instead, it transforms / transcends into the embodiment of NEW DNA, as the old, damaged DNA and cells falls away (releases from the body), leaving room for new growth to occur.