SFD 15: Help, My Dog Eats Poo!
Simply For Dogs|Franklin Medina discusses the latest dog tips, dog strategies, dog training, and everything related to dogs - En podcast av Franklin Medina/Author/Blogger/Marketer

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Hey Hey welcome to the simplyfordogs.com podcast Episode#15-Help, My Dog Eats Poo!(Video)
I am your host Franklin Medina and welcome to today's episode. In case you missed yesterday episode Episode#14-Hurry! My Adult Dog is Attacking My Puppy!(Training Video) . So if you missed that episode head on over to wwww.simplyfordogs.com/14
If your tuning in for the first time thanks again for taking time to listen to the Simplyfordogs.com podcast..Where we cover the best dogs tips, strategies and stories to help you become the best dog owner in the world.
In todays episode we are going to discuss:
Why Is He Doing That????
More Complex Issues
Fixing the Issue
Hope you guys enjoyed todays episode and make sure to tune in to tomorrows Episode #16- In which we discuss the topic Purebred Or Mutt? Making The Right Decision(Video)
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