133. Not All Online Courses Are Cults: Initial Thoughts on the Twin Flames Netflix Documentary

The Secrets of a Witch Podcast - En podcast av Sabrina Scott


Have y’all seen that insane new Netflix documentary, Escaping Twin Flames Universe? It’s an insane whirlwind of an online spiritual cult and shares some testimonies of people who have escaped it. Unfortunately, this group operated online. In this episode, I talk about the cult and how fucked up and crazy it is - that isn’t really something to doubt - and I also talk about how these folks give a bad name to online courses, online course creators, and online coaches like myself and many others who do good and honest, authentic, heart felt work in the spiritual space. This will probably be the first episode of a few where I talk about this. I share a bit about how online communities were life changing for me both as an adult and a suburban teen, and how every industry has its insane people, scammers, and charlatans. Spiritual spaces definitely aren’t immune, as we saw in the documentary. I also share some worries that the way feminine and masculine energy are spoken of in the doc - in a totally bonkers way - will discourage people from even considering looking at feminine energy and masculine energy at all. To be clear, those weirdos have a completely different view on these energies than I do - and so I understand how similar terminology could be confusing or misleading to the average person. This is why my new course is called Feminine Energy Without Bullshit, after all - because cults like this distort what feminine and masculine are. Today as ever, and in the spiritual space as in all other spaces, our discernment is so important. I share some tips for assessing whether groups are safe places in my second book, Curse and Cure: Magic For Real Life. Anyway, I am just grumpy and concerned that these weird folks will turn people off online connections and learning, when it can be so wildly helpful for folks for so many reasons. I also talk a little about what inspired me to make my new course on feminine energy - launching for the new moon on November 13.

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