50 \\ Time to Put Your BIG GIRL Pants on - AND Honor your Body! Discover the 5 Pillars of Menopausal Health, with Sue Page.
Reps & Redemption | Christian Wellness, Mom Strength Training, Fitness Motivation, Biblical Health, Time-Saving Fitness, Energy Boosting Workouts, Fitness Goals for Moms, Holistic Health, Health Coach - En podcast av Ashley Harvey | Christian Health Coach, Nutrition Coach
Welcome back to the show! An incredible conversation is in store for you today. Sue Page struggled through menopause with little to no support, it was the impact of making key lifestyle changes that finally allowed her to start to thrive and embrace midlife. She realized that there was a way that she could help and support other women them using this knowledge and founded FortyFiftyFabulous.com to educate, support and empower other women so that they can truly become their own advocates and don't have to navigate through this confusing, transitional time of life alone as she did. If you're ready to get serious about your own health, put your big girl pants on and learn about the 5 Pillars of Menopausal Health, you are in the right place! It's time mama to prioritize your health and honor your body. SHE is worth it! Contact Sue Page on Instagram IG @fortyfiftyfabulous Visit Sue Page's website for more information www.fortyfiftyfabulous.com Please join the Reps and Redemption Facebook Community here Strength Training & Simple Nutrition for SAHMs | Motivation, Healthy Life | Facebook