RLL #235: Cultivating Curiosity for a Thriving Homeschool
Raising Lifelong Learners - En podcast av Colleen Kessler

In This Episode: We discuss the importance of foundational skills while still leaving room for our kids to pursue their passions. We'll talk about balancing the digital with the tangible and how technology can be a powerful tool that complements our children's learning styles. Are you worried about too much screen time? Well, you're not alone. Colleen shares her own struggle with her son's screen habits and how choosing the right tools—like a mini Sphero or coding kits—can transform screen time into an educational experience that prepares them for the future. We'll also delve into the versatility of homeschooling curriculums and how to tailor learning to fit your child. Colleen will take you through her approach to organizing her family's physical space to encourage curiosity and hands-on exploration, while also acknowledging the beautiful mess that homeschooling can sometimes be. Whether you're reading with your kids, picking out the right educational app, or seeking that elusive balance between clutter and order, we've got you covered. And for those of you feeling the weight of taking on the homeschooling journey, remember, you are capable, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Plus, stay tuned for details on how to preorder my new book, "The Homeschool Advantage," where I dive even deeper into these topics and offer strategies for fostering that love of learning. So grab your notes, get cozy, this is Raising Lifelong Learners, and we're about to create a learning-rich oasis right in your own home. 🔑 Key Takeaways: A tailored learning experience is pivotal. Incorporating foundational skills with the freedom to explore personal interests helps in raising engaged and self-directed learners. Technology, when used mindfully, can enhance learning. It’s about empowering kids to create with tech, not just consume it. The environment matters. A home that invites curiosity and discovery paves the way for children to imbibe a genuine love for learning. 💫 Sponsors for this episode: CTC Math and Night Zookeeper 💫 Links and Resources from Today's Episode Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Unit Studies - Raising Lifelong Learners Books - Raising Lifelong Learners Unleashing Childhood Creativity in the Homeschool Environment Cultivating a Learning-Rich Environment The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega 101 Reasons Eclectic Homeschooling Works for Gifted Kids Nurturing a Strength-Based Approach to Learning in Homeschooling Making Homeschool Fun for Early Learners Benefits of Keeping It Playful With Teens Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning Interest Led Homeschooling: Helping Your Child Find Their Interests Every Book List You Will Ever Need For Your Homeschool! Connect with Colleen ⭐️ Instagram ⭐️ Facebook ⭐️ Twitter ⭐️ How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz And Find Out Now https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/