RLL #230: Delight-Directed Learner Turned Published Author | A Conversation with Millie Florence
Raising Lifelong Learners - En podcast av Colleen Kessler

In the latest episode, Colleen sits down with the talented Millie Florence, whose literary works are captivating readers of all ages. Prepare to be swept into a world of persistent dreams, sibling dynamics, and the sheer courage of pursuing one's passion – all in the backdrop of historical and high fantasy. In this episode, you'll hear about: The unique process Millie underwent to find a publisher that cherishes the quirky and indefinable genre of her books. The varied paths to getting published and the importance of steadfastness and strategy. The role that familial support plays in fostering creativity and confidence in young authors. Key Takeaways: Learn how to be your child's biggest cheerleader in their creative endeavors. Explore strategies for marketing at events and online to reach a wider audience. Understand the significance of self-education, curiosity, and tailored learning environments in raising lifelong learners. Don’t miss out on this enriching discussion – perfect for aspiring writers, parents, and anyone with a love for literature and learning. Links and Resources from Today’s Show SPONSOR | CTC Math SPONSOR | Night ZooKeeper Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Find out more about Millie Florence at MillieFlorence.com Millie’s latest book The Balter of Ashton Harper Millie’s first book Honey Butter Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Create a Custom Homeschool The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega Interest-Led Learning In The Early Years: Preschool and Beyond Homeschooling Our Gifted Children: The Power Of Artful Questions Why Unit Studies are Ideal for Interest-led Learning Homeschooling Middle School Using Your Own Interest-Based Curriculum Homeschooling Your Gifted Child With Interest-Led Learning RLL #107: Learning as an Unschooling Family with Robyn Robertson Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning RLL #68: Self-Directed Education with Peter Gray, PhD Connect with Millie You can find Millie on Intagram, Facebook, and YouTubeMillie’s website: MillieFlorence.comNewsletter Sign Up and Free Gift: millieflorence.com/free Connect with Colleen You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, InstagramHow does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!