RLL #209: Prioritizing Self-Care is Important for You and Your Kids

Raising Lifelong Learners - En podcast av Colleen Kessler


One of the most beautiful things about homeschooling is how we can adjust kid-to-kid, and year-to-year. It's also one of the things that messes with us as parents. It’s inevitable when everything is functioning well, there’s another change: developmentally, emotionally, physically and we find ourselves reevaluating again.  It can be hard, tiring, and wear us out. That is why self-care is essential for those of us homeschooling differently-wired kids. The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast is brought to you by CTCMath. Find out more at https://www.ctcmath.com/purchase/homeschool50?tr_id=RLL.

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