RLL #207: Create the Best Homeschool For Your Family

Raising Lifelong Learners - En podcast av Colleen Kessler


You have neurodiverse children. They are gifted, they are twice exceptional, they have anxiety, perfectionism, sensory struggles, or perhaps they're on the autism spectrum. They have any number of neurodiversities. I am right there with you. I believe with my whole heart that homeschooling is the best possible educational choice for kids like ours. And I'm here to help you with that. So today we're going to talk about opening your mind to new possibilities. It's a different kind of education, and it's exciting. The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast is brought to you by CTCMath. Find out more at https://www.ctcmath.com/purchase/homeschool50?tr_id=RLL.

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