RLL #197: Igniting Your Kids' Passions

Raising Lifelong Learners - En podcast av Colleen Kessler


You can tell from the title of Colleen's podcast that she's all about lifelong learning. But today she dive deeper into that topic. How exactly do you develop your kids as lifelong learners? How to you figure out what their unique abilities and true passion are (especially when it seems like it might just be video games!)? And what does it look like to support and even stoke the flames of those interests and pursuits? Colleen shares some of her best tips for doing just that and hopefully helping you to reframe your entire perspective on what a successful homeschool looks like! The Raising Lifelong Learners Podcast is brought to you by CTCMath. Find out more at https://www.ctcmath.com/purchase/homeschool50?tr_id=RLL.

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