This Week in Tech 878: Having My Baby
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Sheryl Sandberg steps down, WWDC preview, Texas social media law, right to repair Why Sheryl Sandberg Quit Facebook's Meta What to Expect at WWDC 2022: iOS 16, macOS 13, watchOS 9 and Possibly New Macs Apple Plans to Make the iPad More Like a Laptop and Less Like a Phone Apple's AR/VR Headset Will Dominate WWDC—Even Though It Won't Be There What's Coming at Apple (AAPL) WWDC? IPad Upgrades That Make It More Like Laptop Supreme Court Halts Texas Social Media 'Censorship' Law Twitter Clears US Antitrust Review on $44 Billion Musk Deal New York state passes first-ever 'right to repair' law for electronics Ontario becomes first province to have a right to disconnect law A Bunch of Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs Were Stolen (Again) US Charges Ex-OpenSea Exec With NFT Insider Trading PC Mag 40 yr anniversary - Bill Gates on the Next 40 Years in Technology Dave Smith Dead: Prophet-5 and MIDI Pioneer Dies at 72 In Memoriam - John Foster Host: Leo Laporte Guests: Dan Gillmor, Jill Duffy, and Alex Wilhelm Download or subscribe to this show at Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at Sponsors: promo code TWIT