63RCB We interview John Friend who is behind The Realist Report

Radio Cui Bono's show - En podcast av Radio Cui Bono

Participating in this episode are Patrik, Martin and our guest John Friend. If you enjoy and want to support our work you can send a donation to SEB 5708 35 378 01

1)We interview John Friend who is a nationalistic profile who lives in California. Once he got convinced that the official story about 9/11 was wrong he started his journey searching for the truth. Today he runs a website called The Realist Report which hosts his journalistic work and also his podcasts where he interviews a variety of persons who is critical of the current society development. Due to the controversial nature of the information and political perspectives presented on his website and expressed publicly, John was forced out of his job working for a local city government in San Diego County in September 2015. He has also had his PayPal, Stripe and Coinbase accounts permanently terminated. In this interview we let John present himself and then we have a discussion about the phenomenon controlled opposition and why all the truthers never comes to the same conclusion thus the truth can be only one.

Johns website www.therealistreport.com

2)Simon Shacks song Lying low

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