62RCB Monika Schaefer talks about when the official history becomes enforced by the law

Radio Cui Bono's show - En podcast av Radio Cui Bono

Participating in this episode are Patrik, Daniel, Martin and our guest Monika Schaefer. If you enjoy and want to support our work you can send a donation to SEB 5708 35 378 01

1)Intro, Herman Rosenblat explains why he made up an fictitious story about what he experienced in the concentration camps during World War 2

2) Monika Schaefer is a brave woman who became famous in 2016 when she released a video called “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” The video soon got viral until it was shut down on several platforms owned by our mind controllers. That was the start of a journey during which Monika got a first bench view of how the legal system works regarding this taboo topic in the world. During a visit of her brother Alfred Schaefer in Germany she was turned in by her own cousins and the German authorities grabbed her when she attended the Kafka trial against the attorney Sylvia Stolz. In Germany it is a crime to officially express another opinion on the Holocaust than what the history books says and because of this Monikas visit in Germany became 10 months longer than she had planned for. In this episode Monika also describes the special case of Sylvia Stolz, the attorney who tried to defend Ernst Zundel for his thought crimes. In Germany Monika tells us, it is also illegal to defend someone for this crime since you are not allowed to show the evidence in court without being convicted yourself. About this and much more in this episode.

3) Carl Klangs song “I want to be an extremist”

4) Links for this episode

Monikas webpage https://freespeechmonika.wordpress.com/





https://www.bitchute.com/video/JR7g9EkunFzz/ (Ursula Haverbeck - the Greatest Problem of our Time)


"Dead in the Water - Maritime Admiralty UCC" video.

Tony Martin https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x14cg5j

Sylvia Stolz speech in Switzerland in 2012 for which she was sent to prison.


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