Encore: COVID 19, Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding with Aviva Romm, MD
Pure Nurture Pregnancy and Birth - En podcast av Kristy Rodriguez - Parents On Demand Network

Dr. Aviva Romm is a midwife, herbalist, and Yale-trained MD, Board Certified in Family Medicine with Obstetrics, who has been bridging the best of traditional medicine with good science for over three decades. Her focus is on what she calls our total health ecology, utilizing medicine to identify and reverse the root causes of chronic health conditions, particularly hormonal problems in women and common children’s health problems. She is considered one of the world's leaders in botanical medicine and is the author of 7 books on natural medicine, including the textbook, Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health (Elsevier) and The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution (Harper One).
Dr. Romm is the author of the integrative medicine curriculum for the Yale Internal Medicine and Pediatric Residencies, is on numerous scientific advisory and editorial boards, and is a widely sought after and highly engaging speaker. Her online programs for women are wildly popular and successful, helping women take back their health, affordably, and innovative professional programs are educating the next generation of health practitioners. Her non-profit organization, DharmaMoms, provides funding for midwifery education and salaries in high risk obstetric, low resource communities. Dr. Romm lives and practices medicine in the Berkshires and New York City. You can learn how to study with Aviva here: https://avivaromm.com/online- courses
In this episode, you'll hear about:
- Natural Pregnancy Book
- Nutritional supplements & botanical remedies
- Natural Healthy Babies & Children Book
- Natural Health After Birth Book
- The resurgence of midwifery & home births
- How coronavirus impacts pregnancy
- Emotional support for anxiety about COVID-19
- John Hopkin's Map for COVID-19
- Informed consent & the power of being informed
Learn more about Aviva's great books and online courses on her website here. Find her on Instagram and Facebook for her day-to-day updates.