The Norse Files - Episode 2 - Hákon Hákonarson’s First Years

Podcast UiB - En podcast av Universitetet i Bergen / University of Bergen

In this episode, we follow the events after the death of King Sverrir Sigurðsson and the untimely demise of his only son, Hákon Sverrisson. The birkibeinar consolidate their power in half of the country, while the bagler solidify their alliance with the Danish crown. A son of Hákon Sverrisson is found in bagler territory, and a commando operation is launched to recover what could be the only hope of the birkibeinar to remain united. That young boy becomes the king of Norway, but his problems are far from over, as he has to finish the war with the bagler, deal with internal and external threats, and prove himself again and again as the rightful ruler of the land.