Baby Proofing & Play

Playing With Baby C - En podcast av C's Mom


Hi everyone!  In this episode I share a few of the ways we baby proofed to maximize play.  I suppose it was important to me that Baby C feel confident in his environment so I wanted him to be able to move around independently and explore.  That said, we didn't baby proof everything and I stay very consistent in not allowing him to play with the things I don't want him to touch (like the stove).   I found the gentle nursery a good resource for baby proofing materials but even that list felt overwhelming to me.   We went slow and did the things that seemed obvious and are continuing to baby proof as Baby C grows. These are the materials we used: Plug Protectors: Outlet Covers: Long Extension Cord (so they could be off the floor when unable to hide out of reach behind furniture): Cord Protectors: Cabinet Locks: Drawer Latches: Edge Protectors: Multi Use Straps: L Brackets (for securing heavier furniture to the wall) *these were too big but we made them work*: TV straps: (we adhered straps to the TV and stand instead of the wall, then secured the stand to wall): Power Drill: Happy Baby Proofing!

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