Ep. 20 - Making Parental Decisions through Data with Professor Emily Oster
Parenting Understood - En podcast av Erin O'Connor and Michelle Tangeman

We are excited to be joined by Professor Emily Oster. Emily is a Professor of Economics at Brown University and the author of Expecting Better, Cribsheet, and The Family Firm. She holds a PhD in Economics from Harvard. Prior to being at Brown she was on the faculty at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Emily’s books analyze the data behind choices on parenting and pregnancy. Emilly will be discussing with us her most recent book, The Family Firm, which takes a data driven approach to help parents think more deliberately about key issues in the elementary school years including sleep, school, health, extra curricular activities and more. Emily will present to us how you can immediately apply frameworks and concepts to utilize the date in your life for making best decisions for your children. You can find more information on Emily Oster, her books and research, and join her bi-weekly mailing list at emilyoster.net. You can also connect with Emily via Twitter and Instagram @ProfEmilyOster