Bullies, Bullying and Boundaries | POF138
Parenting Our Future - En podcast av Robbin McManne

Nothing brings out your MAMA BEAR instinct like when your child is being mistreated. If your child is being bullied you can’t help but feel a whole host of emotions in defense of your child and against the bully. But what if your child is the Bully? What do you do then? One thing that will help is teaching your children social emotional skills as well as learning boundaries how to set them and how to respect them. Christina Furnival is here to help us navigate the bully and boundary issue with such amazing knowledge and insight! In this episode we talk about: The importance of social emotional skills and how to start teaching them (even if you weren’t taught!) What to do if your child is being “bossy” or being “bossed around” How to use “sports casting” to describe what you are seeing in your child’s behavior (I love this idea!!) How to talk to you kids about what a good friend says and does and what and unkind friend says and does The words to say to stop a bully What parents can do if they are bullied or cyberbullied The importance of setting, holding and respecting boundaries for everyone in your family For a free copy of Christina’s Boundaries “Conversation Starters and Discussion Questions”, that you will love as a tool to get your started with this discussion, go to the Parent Toolbox www.parent-toolbox.com For other episodes of Parenting our Future that discuss Cyberbullying, see: Parenting our Future Episode 85: Social Media Safety for Parents and Kids. Find the social media safety parent course, free in the Parent toolbox https://www.parentingforconnection.com/parentingourfuture/episode/25b360da/social-media-safety-for-parents-and-kids-or-pof85 Parenting our Future Episode 105: Instagram Safety with Instagram’s head of Safety and Wellbeing. Find a free parent guide to Instagram in the Parent Toolbox https://www.parentingforconnection.com/parentingourfuture/episode/1acf9360/instagram-safety-with-instagrams-head-of-safety-and-wellbeing-or-pof108 About Christina Furnival Christina Furnival, MS, LPCC is a wife, mom to two young children, licensed psychotherapist, writer, and children’s book author. With over a decade of experience in the mental health field, she has worked in a variety of settings including a domestic violence center, hospital program, a non-profit providing parent support, education, and coaching, outpatient clinics, and telehealth. Christina is passionate about supporting parents and children to understand themselves better, navigate challenges with confidence, and live the life they want. Christina founded the internationally enjoyed blog, Real Life Mama, after going through postpartum depression and anxiety to support other moms going through the same time. Christina's writing has grown and evolved beyond her blog, enabling her to secure a children's book deal with PESI Publishing for an entire series focused on vital social-emotional skills. The Not-So-Friendly Friend: How to Set Boundaries for Healthy Friendships, inspired by friendship challenges her daughter faced, is the first in the Capable Kiddos book series. Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Social Media: Website: https://christinafurnival.com/about/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealLifeMama Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisisreallifemama Facebook: