#25: 17 Habits To Making Our Lives Easier
The Organized-ish Parent Podcast - En podcast av Dianne Jimenez - Torsdagar

In this episode I’m pulling back the curtains and going through the 17 habits that both my husband, my kids and I live by. Often we don’t even realize that it’s also helping us save time, reduce overwhelm and avoid potential problems later on, but these habits do! So I want to share them with you in hopes that it helps to make your life a little easier! From reducing the amount of decisions you make in a day, to structuring the laundry schedule in a way that simplifies things - leaving overwhelming thoughts and feelings at the door. To how to keep things off the floor to building a united front with your partner and so much more. It’s all here. There’s only 1 instruction here: try 1 and make it your own. When that becomes part of your daily habits, test out another and follow the same recipe as the first. See your lifestyle change and mindset shift. Who knows where this new found momentum will take you. Now, let me ask you this: when it comes to getting organized and getting the kids involved, where do you struggle? Send me a DM on Instagram @1TidyPlace Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts The post (episode #25: 17 Habits To Making Our Lives Easier) appeared first on Dianne Jimenez | Professional Organizer Find us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn Enjoy! -- Music: https://www.purple-planet.com , License: All the music on the site is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/