#74: Kids and Screens: Help for Parents (with guest Dr. Tom Kersting)

Parenting Great Kids with Dr. Meg Meeker - En podcast av Dr. Meg Meeker

Everywhere you turn, screens are in the faces of you and your children. What effects do these screens have on you and your kids? How do you ensure your child is limited to a healthy amount of screen time each day? What can you do to set the example for your children when it comes to using technology with a screen? These are all questions that parents have in a world where technology is constantly increasing. That’s why in this episode Dr. Meg sits down with family therapist Dr. Tom Kersting. Dr. Kersting is an expert in the field of mental health, families, parenting in the digital age, and over-device use. He also wrote a book called Disconnected: How to Reconnect Our Digitally Distracted Kids. He and Dr. Meg talk about strategies to employ to raise your greatkids in this digital age. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder that you can start using right away! And because we didn’t want to cut the interview with Dr. Kersting short, we chose to wait until next episode to answer listener questions. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer, email them to askmeg@megmeekermd.comand listen to future episodes to see if your question is featured!



We are proud to be sponsored by the March of Dimes. This month, March of Dimes is observing Birth Defects Prevention Month as partners with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. 
Birth defects are more common than most people think. They affect about 1 in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. Thankfully, there are some actions that women can take to increase their chances of having a healthy pregnancy! For more information, visit CDC’s website at cdc.govor March of Dimes at marchofdimes.org.


0:56 – AD – MILK LIFE

With today’s distractions and busy schedules, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important to us. From cooking with your kids, to sipping a refreshing drink at home with them after a long day, dairy milk helps us savor the real moments that matter with the ones we love while also giving our kids nutrients they need to grow strong and help them recharge. To learn more about dairy milk and the benefits it brings to you, visit milklife.com!


2:07 – WELCOME

Dr. Meg introduces the topic “Kids and Screens: Help for Parents.” She also teases her conversation with Tom Kersting and her points to ponder.



If you haven’t already, go check out the new, revised, and improved course Discipline with Courage and Kindness at disciplinewithcourageandkindness.com. Dr. Meg’s goal with the course is to help you lighten your load, love parenting again, and feel less stressed. Check it out today!



Dr. Meg sits down for a conversation with Dr. Tom Kersting and talk about his book Disconnected: How to Reconnect Our Digitally Distracted Kids. They also talk about different strategies for parents to employ to prevent themselves from being distracted and also how to keep kids from becoming distracted as well!


22:56 – AD – SMILO

Smilo is the new baby brand that takes care of the details so you can focus more on you and your growing family. Smilo brings you the best in feeding, soothing, pregnancy, baby, and toddler products, all in one place! Smilo’s patented products are designed by doctors, engineers, and parents. Everything is backed up by proven medical claims and all products have a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Smilo is known for their 3-in-1 nursing and pregnancy pillow, bottles, pacifiers, baby lounger, sippy cups, one of a kind baby bundles, and more! Purchase expertly designed products for your baby today, only at smilobaby.com, and use the code MEG for 20% off your order!


25:08 – AD – FLAMINGO

Founded by a collective of women at Harry’s, a brand that reinvented shaving for men, Flamingo’s mission is to create better hair removal solutions for women. Products are designed for every step of your hair removal routine, and made without parabens, sulfates, mineral oil, or petrochemicals. And, because Flamingo wants you to enjoy shaving in 2019, they are offering our listeners the Flamingo Shave Set – which includes: An ergonomic, weighted razor with a textured grip and hydrating aloe strip – available in three colors with metal accents, 2 five-blade cartridges made to the same standards as mens’, foaming shave gel with aloe vera, body lotion that hydrates and exfoliates, a hook to store your razor in the shower, and a reusable travel pouch! A $22 value, it’s yours for just $16 plus free shipping today when you visit shopflamingo.com/MEG!



Dr. Meg sits down for a conversation with Dr. Tom Kersting and talk about his book Disconnected: How to Reconnect Our Digitally Distracted Kids. They also talk about different strategies for parents to employ to prevent themselves from being distracted and also how to keep kids from becoming distracted as well!




Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder as you learn more about navigating a world full of screens as your raise your kids.





Thanks for listening to Episode 74, Kids and Screens: Help for Parentsand for helping Dr. Meg’s parenting revolution reach more than TWO MILLION downloads! Subscribe, rate, and leave a review for us on iTunes!


Get Social with Dr. Meg on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @MegMeekerMD


Have a parenting question? Write Dr. Meg at askmeg@megmeekermd.comand she could answer your question during the show or you can let us know what you’d like to hear about in a future episode!


Dr. Meg’s parenting resources and tools are available at www.megmeekermd.comand click on “Parenting Resources”. Subscribe, rate, and leave a review for us on iTunes!

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