BONUS: Praying God's certainty over our kids
Pardon the Mess with Courtney DeFeo - Christian Motherhood, Biblical Parenting, Raising Christian Kids - En podcast av Courtney DeFeo and Christian Parenting

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t know what’s coming our way at any given time. One year ago this week, the World Health Organization confirmed an additional twenty cases of COVID-19 in the United States, bringing the total number of cases in our country to thirty-five. Even though the number was seemingly small at the time, it was unsettling not knowing what the future held with this virus at hand (and thank goodness we didn’t know). The one thing we can be certain of this side of heaven is that our lives are going to be uncertain. Yet even in the middle of uncertainty for Joshua, God reminded him that “every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you” (Joshua 1:3 ESV). The message to Joshua is the same message for us: with God directing our steps, not even one is unexpected or without purpose to the One who authors them all. This week, we’re praying for our kids to understand that what’s uncertain to them is anything but unexpected or unplanned to God. Knowing that, we can put our trust in the One who not only knows the future but also writes it. Join me in praying for our kids to be marked by God’s certainty through all of life’s unknown roads. Our Sponsors: * Check out Avocado Green Mattress: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Privacy & Opt-Out: