Papal Infallibility: The Ultimate Triumph of Humanism - St. Justin Popovic
Orthodox Wisdom - En podcast av Readings from Saints of Holy Orthodoxy
"[Papal infallibility] is the ultimate triumph of humanism..." -St. Justin Popovic St. Justin expresses the ultimate implications of the dogma of papal infallibility. Regardless of how frequent or infrequent papal infallibility is exercised, the embrace of such an ability for a man, even if supposedly given by God, is why St. Justin is righteously provoked. He perceives the ultimate implications of such a dogmatic pronouncement and shutters, calling to repentance all those hooked by such lies. As St. Justin says, “In writing this, we are not writing either the history of Europe, of its virtues and faults, or the history of the European pseudo-Churches. We are simply setting forth the entirety of their ontology, penetrating to the heart of European conceit, its demonic underground, where its dark sources lie and with whose waters it threatens to poison the world. This is no passing of judgment on Europe, but a wholehearted and prayerful call to the only way to salvation: through repentance.” 0:00 Beginning 0:13 Introductory comments 1:24 Quote from Catherine of Sienna (RC saint): “Even if the Pope were Satan incarnate, we ought not raise up our heads against him…” 2:24 Quote from Pope John Paul II (RC saint): “the name for that deep amazement at man’s worth and dignity is the gospel…” From St. Justin: 2:52 Papal infallibility dogmatized at Vatican I and upheld at Vatican II 5:25 “The dogma of the infallibility of the Pope is a Nietzschaen affirmation of the entire creation of European humanistic man.” 7:53 The Pope has “proclaimed himself a Church with the papist Church and has become all powerful in it.” 8:30 Three principles falls in human history: Adam, Judas, and the Pope 8:40 What is the core of the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope, a man? 10:55 The dogma of the infallibility of the Pope is the “final triumph of humanism” and the “heresy above all heresies” 12:36 Repentance is the only way out St. Justin's teachings in this video are excerpted from "Papism as the Oldest Protestantism - St. Justin Popović": These excerpts are from the chapter “Man or the God-Man" from "The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism” NOTE: The meaning of Theanthropic: divine (in Greek theos = God) and human (in Greek anthropos = man); the Theanthropos = the God-Man, i.e. Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. -BUY “The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism” by St. Justin: -LISTEN to more recordings by Orthodox Wisdom of St. Justin's teachings: -FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: