#50 Lebanon and the refugee crisis – how can the world help?
OmVärlden Podd - En podcast av OmVärlden
Libanon is the country in the world that has taken in most refugees per capita due to the Syrian crisis. But how will the country cope – and what is the world doing to help? How can development assistance change it´s focus so it also lifts the lebanese poor, and creates a long-term more sustainable system, and why are refugee kids dropping out of schools? Listen to this live discussion from Beirut with some of the most important donors; Ryan Knox, Programme Manager for the EU Regional Trust Fund In Response To The Syrian Crisis ( Madad), and Karolina Lindholm, Deputy Representative UNHCR and Georg Ghali, Programs Manager at ALEF-– Act for human rights. Interviewer Ylva Bergman, Editor-in-Chief , OmVärlden FYI: Short intro in Swedish, but discussion is in English. www.omvärlden.se ******************************* Så ska världen hjälpa Libanon och de syriska flyktingarna. Panelsamtal inspelat på plats i Beirut, Libanon, med representanter från EU:s MADAD-fond, UNHCR och libanesiska civilsamhället. Programledare Ylva Bergman, chefredaktör.