"I Believe" - An Introduction to Covenant & Conversation 5780
The Office of Rabbi Sacks - En podcast av Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
Covenant & Conversation is the name of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks' weekly commentary on the parsha. As he writes in the introduction to the 5780 series: "We don’t merely read the Torah. We bring to it our time, our lives, our most attentive listening, and our deepest existential commitments. My own beliefs have been formed in that ongoing conversation with the biblical text that is part of the Jewish mind and the Jewish week. Which is why, to emphasise this personal engagement, I’ve decided to call this year’s series of Covenant & Conversation, ‘I Believe,’ as a way of saying, this is how I have come to see the world, having listened as attentively as I can to the Torah and its message for me-here-now." You can download a copy of the written text at www.RabbiSacks.org. You can also download an accompanying Family Edition that aims at making the ideas in the weekly essay accessible for older children and teenagers through guided discussion points and ideas.