John McEnroe: 'You Cannot Be Serious!'

Now I've Heard Everything - En podcast av Bill Thompson


John McEnroe won 77 career singles titles, including three at Wimbledon. He also won 77 doubles titles, including five at Wimbledon. It was at Wimbledon in 1981 that McEnroe came up with what has become his signature phrase – “You cannot be serious!” He embraced the phrase, even calling his memoir You Cannot Be Serious In this 2002 interview McEnroe talks about his life, his career, and his marriage to Tatum O'Neal. Get You Cannot Be Serious by ohn McEnroeAs an Amazon Associate, Now I've Heard Everything earns from qualifying purchases.You may also enjoy my interviews with Tracy Austin and Bobby Knight For more vintage interviews with celebrities, leaders, and influencers, subscribe to Now I've Heard Everything on Spotify, Apple Podcasts. and now on YouTube #Wimbledon #tennis #USOpen #DavisCup

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