Why Some Brain Supplement Programs Do Not Work [Podcast Episode #160]

Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar


Whether your child has autism, ADD, ADHD, or any other neurological imbalance, it is known that natural brain supplements often work far better than pharmaceutical drugs without the negative or dangerous side effects. If you are not seeing desired results from your brain supplements treatment program, there are several possibilities as to why: The wrong diagnosis. The wrong brain supplements treatment protocol, i.e. supplements, medications, or therapies. This also means the incorrect dosages. Citric acid is taken too close to supplement time. Citric acid as is in orange juice, lemonade, preservatives and more. It deactivates some medications and supplements. Do not ingest it within an hour before or after taking them. Stress hormones, namely corticosteroids, damage brain cells, especially the temporal lobes. They may also counteract the effectiveness of some treatments. Reduce stress level. Lack of support from family, school, caregivers or therapists; creates stress The wrong diet. Caffeine and nicotine use. Lack of exercise. Taking over-the-counter medications or supplements that may interfere with treatment. Mixing together incompatible medications and supplements. Not staying on natural supplements for a long enough period of time to allow them to work (minimum of three to six weeks). Purchasing cheaper, lower quality products in order to save money. Not having the right doctor. Using the doctor on your insurance plan may seem cheaper at first, but may cost you far more in the long run. Being in denial about what your child really needs and not getting the proper help... Click Here or Click the link below for more details! https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/160

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