What You Need To Know When Extreme Symptoms Arise In A Child With Autism
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

When you’re detoxifying, and your child suddenly goes into extreme anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, fearfulness, clinginess, panic attacks, skin rashes that itch severely or even burn or blister in sunlight then this post will give you the common reasons why and some things you can do about it. They can also be why you might be getting derailed in the autism recovery process. The very first stage in autism recovery begins with gut healing. The first step in stage one begins with diet changes. You must remove the bad foods that contribute to inflammation, and injured gut lining, and feed the pathogenic bacteria overgrowth in your child’s gut such as candida. When you do this the bad bacteria will begin to die off and detoxification begins. You must support this process with binders to help sop up the toxins. You can get your free guide to the top 7 foods to eliminate and learn more about why they are so harmful to eat. What most parents don’t know when detoxifying their child with autism Troubleshooting during detoxification is critical. This is something that took me years to find when I was on my son’s recovery journey. Had I known about it I would have saved myself a lot of time, financial expense, and reduced the stress and even panic that both my son and I lived in for so long. Not knowing what to do is the worst. You know, that helpless feeling of knowing something needs to be done but you don’t know what that something is. The doctor says they can see you in a week or a month but you need answers now. This can be extremely stressful. PANS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) First and most commonly it is a sign of what is referred to as PANS. This acronym stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. You can read the full details on it and listen to my interview with specialist, Dr. Madeleine Cunningham here, but in a nutshell, the symptoms are caused by the immune system attacking the brain. As you can imagine, the symptoms are severe. Some symptoms of Kryptopyrroles Porphyrins (KPU) Rapid triggered extreme anxiety from the removal of sugars and carbs heightened skin sensitivity, especially to sunlight cannot tolerate fasting or intermittent fasting panic attacks bowel issues of either constipation or diarrhea hallucinations chronic pain cannot tolerate low carbohydrate or low sugar diet/candida diet (until heem pathways are balanced) very low zinc levels. A common copper to zinc ratio imbalance. sleep disruption abdominal pain back pain Click Here or Click the link below for more details. https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/96