Underlying Causes of Speech Issues and Autism [Podcast Episode #196]

Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar


It’s common in children, and adults, with autism to have speech issues. This can be a difficulty speaking clearly all the way to completely non-verbal, at any age. Many symptoms come from various toxins, pathogens and coinfections. We begin with healing the gut and diet, but there is so much more involved. In my last podcast episode We discussed the toxicity of aluminum. In studies it has been noted that speech is one of the symptoms associated with speech issues of all kinds. It’s never just one thing. Speech is helped by all of it, but for best results the complete A-Z approach must be done. As underlying common symptoms of speech issues with autism I find there are three issues that are an absolute must to be covered properly for best results. Speech issues are caused by many things, but the top three I’ve found in my research and experience are: Aluminum  Viruses  PANS  Aluminum How Do We Get Aluminum Exposure? Aluminum is prevalent in our society in the air, soil/food, water, cookware, and in the health care products most people use daily such as deodorants, fragrances, lotions, make-up, and so much more. It is contained in antacids, over the counter supplements, and medications. Almost 75% of all adjuvant-based medical treatments include aluminum salts.  Aluminum Poisoning with Emphasis on Its Mechanism and Treatment of Intoxication See Study here. Click Here or Click the link below for more details! https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/196

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