Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

One of the most important alternative techniques I have found for my children and myself has been natural allergy elimination or desensitization. It is a natural way to stop the immune system from over reacting to substances in both its internal environment and the external environment. Millions of people suffer from environmental and food allergies but do not realize all of the culprits causing them harm. This is extremely common in children on the autism spectrum or those with learning or behavioral challenges. The reaction to an allergen may not appear for up to 72 hours (three full days) after exposure. This can make it nearly impossible to determine what has triggered the response. Natural allergy elimination treatment combines kinesiology, homeopathy and acupressure to determine which allergens you are sensitive to. This technique can be done on an individual of any age. The first appointment is about an hour and is used for assessment. The skilled practitioner will test your body’s immune response by muscle testing or computerized testing as the patient contacts vials of homeopathic tinctures corresponding to serums that contain potential allergens. Sensitivity levels are gauged from one to ten. These serums cover every base from foods, chemicals, various toxins, pollens, barometric pressure, electromagnetic fields, to your own animals’ hair, supplements, medications and much more. Supplements, medications, dust or animal samples from your own home can be brought in for assessment and treatment too. Once the allergens are found future sessions are scheduled for about thirty minutes. During treatment the patient holds onto or touches the vial with the homeopathic allergen in it. The vial can also be laid on top of a person or put into their sock to hold it against the body. While they are in contact with the vial the practitioner gently stimulates specific acupressure points along the spine to stimulate the central nervous system. Then acupressure points are stimulated on the arms and legs to open the rest of the meridians through the body. This opens the energy flow and allows the energy from the vials to flow through the body so the body now recognizes that energy as safe. Once this is complete the patient rests for fifteen minutes while in contact with the homeopathic vial containing the allergen. After the treatment is over the patient must stay out of contact with the allergen for a specific amount of time (see below). Once complete the body sees the energy of the molecule, but now knows it is safe and stays calm. It changes the old patterns of defense. It is always a good idea to go in for a quick re-test to be sure the allergen has cleared. This can happen the next day or the next week but it is wise to be sure the treatment worked properly on your body. Ninety eight percent of the time a single treatment for an allergen works. Afterwards highly restricted diets are often no longer necessary. Once you are desensitized you can now eat or use those products, but do so with some discretion. My own daughter could not eat gluten with out severe stomach aches prior to being desensitized. She now can eat gluten without any problem unless she really overindulges. Even then the reactions are mild compared to what they used to be. Remember that dairy and gluten are not healthy foods as they may once have been. Through bioengineering they are no longer good for anyone, especially in large amounts. The body will let you know if you have had too much of something through symptoms. Do not worry. This will not undo the treatment it just lets you know your level of tolerance. This is very individualized. The allergy elimination technique has gone through three generations. All are still available today. I will explain some important differences. 1. The first generation was developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad. It is known commonly as N.A.E.T therapy. This acronym comes from Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique.