How To Remove Protective Heart Walls To Allow Healing With Dr. Bradley Nelson [Episode 121]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

Have you ever felt that you needed to “put up a wall” to protect yourself in a negative situation? Dr. Bradley Nelson refers to this as a “Heart Wall”. Once this ‘wall’ has been formed around your heart for protection it can build up and become stronger over time. With this protection comes a price. When our heart has been closed off as an emotional or psychological means of protection from negative feelings coming in, it is also closed off to allow incoming positive feelings such as love, and our ability to connect with others. The consequences can be quite harmful to an individual both physically and emotionally... The Heart-Brain Your heart generates 60 to 1000 times more power and electromagnetic energy than your brain, easily making it the most powerful organ in your body. When you were in the womb, your heart was formed first, before your brain. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, 40 million times a year, and if its connection to your brain were severed, it would keep right on beating... Children and Heart Walls Since 1995, Dr. Bradley Nelson, has lectured internationally on alleviating chronic and incurable diseases through energy work, and restoring balance to the 6 key elements of health in the body. In 2009, he channeled his life’s work into a simple yet powerful self-study course known as The Body Code system. During this time, Dr. Nelson shares that his personal observation has been that every child with autism has a heart wall! ... Finding and Releasing the Heart-Wall Heart Walls can be “hidden” to protect against being found and released since the protective mechanism in the subconscious is so strong. Dr. Nelson says, “My experience is that about 80% of the general public will test positive for a Heart-Wall. Sometimes when we’re looking for a trapped emotion with the emotion code work the body may say that it doesn’t have any trapped emotions, when in reality it does. The Heart-Wall has the effect of making all trapped emotions a little harder to find.” Click Here or Click the link below for more details.