Home Schooling Pods As A Safe and Happy Alternative [Episode 113]

Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar


During the covid-19 pandemic many schools have been closed for safety reasons. Often parents feel that their child being taught in a Zoom meeting is not enough of an education but also don’t want their child to be exposed to any unsafe environments. Additionally, schools may require that a child undergo certain requirements that their parent does not agree with. It may a teaching style or system, or a school mandated vaccination that a parent feels is unsafe for their child. For many reasons, a parent may find it necessary to look for alternative educational options. Home schooling pods offer a better solution for many parents, especially those who choose to home school but have to work a few days of the week. Parents can trade off on days to teach and assist another parent on the days they have to go to an outside workplace.... How To Find Or Create A Home School Pod Facebook has a growing number of groups. Go to Facebook and in the search bar type the name of your town, along with the keywords, “home school pod”, or ‘micro school”. If you live in a very small town and nothing appears, then type in the name of the nearest larger town near you. It may require a drive for some depending on where you live but you could also become the facilitator of developing a pod in your own town along with others interested. It’s not hard to create your own. Check out all of your options and go with the one that works best for you. The San Francisco-based Facebook group Pandemic Pods and Microschools, for instance, now has more than 9,500 members... Click Here or Click the link below for more details.https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/113

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