Empowering Futures: Comprehensive Guide To Special Needs Estate Planning and Children’s Trusts [Podcast Episode #183]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

Trusts and wills for children with special needs are essential to have in place now, so their future is well prepared in advance. We need to be sure our children with special needs are cared for with or without us when we are either incapable, or no longer here. In this podcast episode I interview attorney, Blake Baxter, on the subject of trusts and estate planning for children and adults with special needs. Some of the questions we address in making sure the trust is set up correctly to protect your family are: Who do you talk to about setting up a trust? What kind of trust to have? Who will be the be the beneficiary, the executor, or have power of attorney? Who oversees the trust and handles the investments and accounts? What if I’m still alive but no longer capable of making decisions for my child or their care? Do I still need a Will if I have a trust set up? Who are special needs attorneys who set up estate planning and how do I find a reputable one I can trust near me? Click Here or Click the link below for more details! https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/183