Constipation and What You Can Do About It
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

The health of the colon, or the large intestine, is critical to overall health. Daily bowel movements must release toxic material or it can be reabsorbed into the walls of the large intestine. Constipation allows for toxic re-absorption due to the extended amount of time the waste stays in the bowels. Proper amounts of water are needed to allow for the removal of waste including pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics in animal feed, and carcinogenic agents in the air we breathe. Dehydration and lack of proper fiber can cause constipation. The bowels effect behavior through toxic reabsorption, but they are also very sensitive to the neurotransmitters in the digestive tract. These brain signaling chemicals include adrenaline, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Fiber is essential when feces are moving well to keep digestion on track, but contrary to popular belief, if the bowel is constipated and lodged with waste, taking fiber often makes it worse. Fiber acts to further bind what is not moving. If you are constipated, aloe leaf is an excellent choice for getting things moving. More options are listed below. Be sure to avoid binding foods such as gluten, cheese and red meat. The large intestine also absorbs minerals necessary for our health. An improperly working colon causes nutrient deficiencies. Enemas are helpful to release fecal matter from the lower portion of the large intestine. Coffee enemas will stimulate the nerves in the liver and assist its detoxification processes. Colonic irrigation or colonics are an essential part of health. They gently remove old debris from the entire colon and its walls by cleansing it with distilled or purified water. Colonics can be done as early as age six, although many children may not agree to this. If they do, be sure to see an Advanced Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. To find and I-ACT certified professional go to,, or call (210) 366-2888. The acronym H.O.P.E. is sometimes used to help remember what to do to assist the health of the colon. H.O.P.E stands for: High fiber Omega-3 oils Probiotics Enzymes Click Here or Click the link below for more details.