Autism Treatment With Cannabis with Dr. Christopher Shade
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

Autism Treatment With Cannabis In an effort to find help for their child with autism many parents have turned to the use of high quality medical grade cannabis. Those who had resisted in the past due to stigmas attached to it have found new hope. For the treatment of the symptoms of autism parents have reported a greater ability in focus and concentration, increased ability to handle emotions such as rage and fears, friendlier and more socially aware, increased appetite, and better sleep. One lesser known fact about children with autism is that roughly fifty percent start having seizures around the onset of puberty. The best news lately for this issue is that cannabis is a solution for it that works for many individuals. Some of the newest and most enlightening studies regarding seizures, Crohns disease, pain, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer is in cannabis, that’s right, marijuana. Specific strains are used for specific needs. Before you think about it as only a drug that people use to get high, think again. Decades ago, in the 1970’s, Israel became the medical marijuana research capitol. There are two ingredients in cannabis; THC and CBD. Israel was the first to isolate the psychotropic portion of cannabis called THC, from the medicinal, non-intoxicating, CBD portion. Medical marijuana can have less than one percent THC and it has the potential to treat many diseases with NO HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS! This is opposite of what the medical prescription drugs are doing. Every nineteen minutes there is a fatality due to accidental prescription medical overdoses. There are no reports of fatal marijuana overdoses, and it is less harmful or addictive, (less than nine percent), than alcohol. The science behind it tells us so far that the CBD or cannibal diol modulates chemical and electrical activity in the brain that quiets excessive activity causing seizures. Specific strains are used for different illnesses. In Israel over 10,000 patients are licensed to use marijuana medicinally. There are more than a dozen studies to treat illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, Crohns disease, pain and cancer. Depending on the age or need of the patient, cannabis can be used like an herbal tincture in liquid form with only a few drops put under the tongue. Additional methods of delivery are as a topical cream, encapsulated, or added to food. Dr. Christopher Shade has developed a liposomal delivery system to allow for optimal absorption in the mouth. You can watch my interview with him about this here. Although the FDA has approved studies there are organizations who say there is no evidence that it is effective. These organizations include the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institute of Drug Abuse. They block out the studies that are positive because it is not in their scope of beliefs. This can be the case with any organization. Changing beliefs is a difficult thing to do. I strongly encourage you to make your own educated decisions. Radio Show Interview To help with your education on CBD and cannabis, I have interviewed Dr. Christopher Shade, an expert on the medical benefits of CBD. In this radio show interview we deep dive into the many details on how CBD positively benefits the cells of the body, and the systems of the body including the immune system. CBD is also widely known to calm in cases of anxiousness and hyperactivity. Please listen to radio show #67. Click Here for more details.