Autism and Electromagnetic Field Interference with Dr. Martin Pall
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

Over two dozen studies show the health related damage due to electromagnetic field radiation (EMF’s) effecting the bodies calcium channels. This is known as voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC’s). Learn how the electromagnetic field effects the cells of our bodies in this informative interview, radio show interview with Dr. Martin Pall is show #41. Dr. Pall has also written a full article on the effects of EMF’s on our health as related to the calcium channel disruption. Excerpt: “There were 10 biological responses EACH OF WHICH HAVE BEEN WIDELY REPORTED and each of which can be understood as being generated by downstream consequences of VGCC activation and elevated intracellular calcium. Those 10 are: Oxidative stress, therapeutic effects, single strand breaks in cellularDNA (as detected by alkaline comet assays), double strand breaks in cellularDNA (as detected by formation of micronuclei), cancer (which can be generated by the same well-documented mechanism that produces inflammatory carcinogenesis), male and female infertility (in which DNA double strand breaks have roles and possibly also calcium-triggered apoptosis), breakdown of the blood-brain barrier (produced by oxidative activation of matrix metalloproteinases and consequent degradation of tight junctions), and loss of melatonin leading to consequent sleep dysfunction. Each these has been widely reported, each of them is serious and each of them can be understood as being generated by the VGCC mechanism.” Read the full article here. Dr. Martin L. Pall Biography B.A. degree in Physics, Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa with Honors, 1962; graduated with 180 semester hours of credit in 4 years. Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, Caltech, 1968 Asst. Prof. Reed College, 1967-72. Asst., Assoc, and Full Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology and Biochemistry/Biophysics, later Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 1972-2008. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University. Click Here for more details.