5 Steps To Apply A Positive Mindset and Draw More of What You Want Into Your Life [Episode 118]
Naturally Recovering Autism with Karen Thomas - En podcast av Karen Thomas, Founder, CEO - Onsdagar

Over ninety-nine percent of what we do everyday in our lives is created by our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is developed by the time we are seven years old. We can see the patterns of what we’ve drawn into our lives by simply looking around us. It’s what we feel ‘familiar’ with and believe for ourselves in many aspects including relationships, money, health, and more. We Attract What We Think About (Desired or Undesired) Self talk is everything! We attract what we think about so choose your thoughts consciously. Worry and fear can become our focus and we draw more problems to us. Keep your focus on any positives. We attract whatever we think about, so be sure you are in control of your thoughts and they are not controlling you…and your life. One of our members in the Naturally Recovering Autism membership, noticed this working recently. She was so worried about the vocal tiks her daughter was experiencing that she didn’t realize the improvements that were going on... 5 Steps To Apply A Positive Mindset and Attract More of What You Want Into Your Life: Get clear on what it is that you want and set a date that you would like it to happen by. At first what you choose may be something more general because you need time for the specifics, but they will come. Eventually use these specifics. It’s OK if your date gets pushed out but having a date gives your mind a focal point. Create a clear picture. An image for your subconscious mind with colored details. Creating these images in color is important because the brain embodies it more completely. Add the 5 senses in when you think of the image in your mind; see, smell, hear, taste and touch. Include feelings. Really FEEL the feelings created by having your desire. See it as if it has already happened the way you want it to be and the excitement and gratitude around that. Any positive feelings that come up for you. Be consistent... Click Here or Click the link below for more details. https://naturallyrecoveringautism.com/118