Baby’s First Steps: Walking and Other Milestones

My New Life - En podcast av Lovevery


Few milestones in a baby’s life are more memorable than their first steps. It feels like a major accomplishment — for baby and parent! But what comes after those first steps varies greatly from child to child, something Dr. Giselle Tadros constantly reminds her patients. She’s a pediatric physical therapist, founder of In-Home Pediatric Physical Therapy, and the guest on today’s episode of My New Life.   Giselle discusses how long it takes most babies to switch from crawling to walking as their primary mode of locomotion. Got lots of gear to help your kid with that transition? If so, you’re in good company. But you may be surprised to learn that baby walkers are not legal in many countries outside of the US!   Key Takeaways: [1:40] What is the most common reason a parent of a toddler goes to a physical therapist for help? [2:42] What does Giselle consider late for walking? When should a parent seek help?  [3:52] What can parents do to help their children develop the core strength needed to be physically active toddlers?  [6:10] What do jumpers do for children? [7:27] Giselle explains why she promotes baby wearing. [8:35] What are signs of core weakness in a child? [10:03] Why some children need support with balance. [10:43] How long does it take for a child to become good at walking?  [12:04] What are some ways to encourage muscle development in toddlers in a natural way so that they become really active kids? [13:35] What are some ways to replicate outdoor play inside?  [14:40] Giselle talks about what she likes to see in an 18-month-old toddler in terms of gross motor skills. [15:25] Giselle discusses the milestones of a typical two year old, from a gross motor development perspective. [17:46] Jessica reviews the highlights of her conversation with Dr. Giselle Tadros.   Mentioned in this episode: Brought to you by In-Home Pediatric Physical Therapy #inhomepediatricpt on Instagram

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