S1 E15. World breastfeeding week special: MotherFood with Amy Vanharen, founder of Pumpspotting, a breastfeeding and digital health platform
MotherFood - En podcast av Alissa Timoshkina

In this episode celebrating World Breast Feeding Week, I talk to Amy Vanharen, founder of Pumpspotting, a community-driven breastfeeding and digital health platform. Amy’s own story as a two-time breastfeeder is a source of inspiration and empowerment to so many women, while her initiative which includes a digital app, that she defines as ‘facebook, meets yelp, meet boob’, a traveling breastfeeding van, and a special support scheme for workspaces, is a vital contribution to mothers’ health and social integration. We talk about the difficulty we faced at different stages of breastfeeding, how to make pumping an empowering experience and how essential it is for women to support one another. Amy’s advice to all the women who are thinking of starting a new professional journey while also learning to mother is one of the most inspiring things I’ve ever heard. It rang so true and resonated so deeply with me! So I hope it will make you feel your own magic powers a little! Join in the conversation and share with us your feeding stories over on Instagram @alissatimoshkina @pumpspotting and @avanharen