Popcorn and Monsters chapter 6
Mirths and Monsters - En podcast av CK

The next installment finds the group seperated for the first time. What will Wolfie and Mummy find? Is Lumpy going to be ok...?
All previous chapters are still available and listening from the start is very much advised.
If you wish I am available on the twitter @mirthsnmonsters
mirthsandmonsterspod on Instagram
There is also a facebook page and a facebook group-mirths and monsters group AKA Finn's fanclub
Finally, I do have a patron page. Some folk have been saying they can't find me, it's because the patron page is on podbean and not Patreon. www.patron.podbean.com/mirthsandmonsters if you think I'm worth a donation from as little as $1 you can do and I would be awfully welcome, thank you.
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