Mirths and Monsters episode 28 Halloween Bash
Mirths and Monsters - En podcast av CK

Hello and welcome to the belated Halloween episode. I caught a cold from a troll and ooh boy, that was nasty. We head back to Loch Ness will nessie be there this time? You betcha! Artwork is by the sublime Grace Duncan who can be found @graceduncanart Sudio sweden link is https://www.sudio.com/us/tolv-pink and the 15% discount code is mirths. I can be found on twitter @mirths_monsters and join our facebook group mirths and monsters facebook group AKA Finn's fanclub. If you fancy splashing some case then I am on patreon www.patreon.com/mirthsandmonsters Enjoy! For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy