Mostly Weather: How a Weather Forecast Works - Communicating the forecast
Met Office - En podcast av Met Office
Met Office scientists take a lively look at the fascinating history and science of weather and climate research. Over the last three months we have been taking an in-depth look into the process behind creating a weather forecast - starting at how we take observations of the weather, then on to the creation of the forecast itself and ending, in this episode, with an investigation into how we actually communicate the weather forecast after it is made. Podcast regulars Doug McNeall, Niall Robinson and Jeff Norwood-Brown are joined in this episode by ex-BBC weather presenter, press officer and current operational meteorologist Helen Roberts, to discuss the many different ways that a weather forecast is communicated. As they go on to discover, this part of the process is of extreme importance - as communicating a weather forecast to, for example, the public and the armed forces are two different and unique challenges that each need a specific approach. As Niall eloquently puts it at the beginning of this episode - everything else in the process goes to waste if we don't get this part right! The Met Office is the United Kingdom's national weather service. The Met Office website carries the latest UK and global weather forecasts, detailed information on weather types and climate science and UK weather records for previous months, seasons and years.