Our Favorite Parenting & Marriage Resources - Part 1
MAG - Marriage advice, Relationship Encouragement, We discuss Sex, Money, Finances and everything In-between, Marriage Tips and tricks and Conversations with Couples About Marriage - En podcast av Aaron & Jennifer Smith - Torsdagar

Marriages resources played an invaluable role in helping our marriage grow into what it is today. There are a handful of marriage books and websites that transformed the way we saw our marriage, our sex life, our way of communicating and so much more than we thought we would share them with you! Some of these resources helped us in our struggles with sexual intimacy, porn addiction, and parenting. In this episode, we share books, blogs, social media accounts to follow, and some insight into the power of real-life relationships. We also share a look at the some of the marriage resources we have created to inspire and lift up your marriage. It is crucial for the health of your marriage that you invest in your relationship by digging into resources that give you a fresh perspective that will challenge you to grow in the role that God has given you! Here are all the links from the helpful marriage books and resources we talked about in this episode. **Books** ESV BIBLE Aaron's Bible https://amzn.to/2Ik8a2b Jennifers Bible https://shop.unveiledwife.com/collections/bibles/products/journaling-bible-esv-antique-floral Experiencing God Study https://amzn.to/2NmYqtJ Wired For Intimacy https://shop.unveiledwife.com/products/wired-for-intimacy-how-pornography-hijacks-the-male-brain No More Headaches https://shop.unveiledwife.com/products/no-more-headaches-enjoying-sex-intimacy-in-marriage-by-juli-slattery Sacred Marriage https://shop.unveiledwife.com/products/sacred-marriage-what-if-god-designed-marriage-to-make-us-holy-more-than-to-make-us-happy-by-gary-l-thomas You can get all of our books at https://shop.marriageaftergod.com **Sites** https://www.familylife.com/ https://www.familylife.com/weekend-to-remember/ https://marriageaftergod.com https://authenticintimacy.com https://fiercemarriage.com http://Faithfulman.com http://Club31women.com http://UltimateMarriage.com http://beating50percent.com Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/marriageaftergod/donations