56. 100日後に死ぬワニ
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Today I'm talking about the manga, "100日後に死ぬワニ". This manga was created by Yuki Kikuchi. The last scene and how to end the story became big trend in Japan and people talked about it a lot. Yuki Kikuchi's Twitter👉 Title: 100日後に死ぬワニ(ひゃくにちごにしぬわに) https://bit.ly/33uX3OH Vocabulary 先日(せんじつ)the other day 話題(わだい)topic, subject ワニ crocodile, 作者(さくしゃ)author, writer 投稿する(とうこうする)contribution, submission, post 主人公(しゅじんこう)main character, hero 4コマ漫画(まんが)four panel manga (page) 場面(ばめん)scene 「死まであとX日」die within X days 議論(ぎろん)argument, discussion さかのぼる go back in time ねずみ mouse 普通(ふつう)ordinary 一人暮らし(ひとりぐらし)live alone 描かれている(えがかれている)Sketch, draw ひよこ chick 車(くるま)にひかれそうになる about get run over by a car とっさに immediately 突然(とつぜん)suddenly 心に残る(こころにのこる)to touch, remain in one’s heart, 背景(はいけい)background, 親友(しんゆう)close friend